Fees paid support the running costs of the school and are payable by the first day of each month over 11 months of the year (1st January – 1st November). Children who attend full day aftercare receive Holiday Care add no additional cost.
A once off non-refundable enrollment fee will be paid upon admission which goes towards your child’s stationery and edutainment for their schooling.
Contact Form
Contact Information
Telephone Number: 021 552 2288
Fax: 086 482 3237
Postal address: PO Box 50, Milnerton, 7435
Physical address: Corner of Jansen and Koeberg Roads, Milnerton, 7441
Visit Us
We would love to show you what makes our school so special! Book a tour today and discover how Milnerton Pre-Primary School can be the perfect place for your child to begin their learning journey.